瑞今股份有限公司( JUI HARVEST CO LTD) 進出口貿易商 ... 1.瑞今精神-求真、求實、求誠 2.服務導向的認知 3.速度革命的認知
運動鞋 休閒鞋 拖涼鞋、女密鞋、休閒鞋、拖涼鞋、旅行箱、旅行袋、公事包。歡迎工商界好朋友蒞臨.亦歡迎舊雨新知蒞臨給予指教,參觀.
Jui Harvest Co., Ltd. was established in 1979 by three university classmates who share the same enterprising spirit and value. These entrepreneurs have firmly established their foothold in the shoe and luggage case business in the Middle East including Saudi Arabia. With the rapid and constant growth, Jui Harvest became the biggest and the most famous shoe and luggage supplier to Middle East area and the turnover grew up to US$20 million in 1983.
Jui Harvest Group,
a leading business group in Taiwan for nearly 20 years, has built up an worldwide business network to provide a wide variety of products ranging from basic necessities to ultramodern IT devices. In the meantime, the group had set up worldwide branches and distribution partners located in the major cities around the world such as United States, Europe, Asia and Middle East to deliver the fast, professional and localized services to customers, Being a member of society, Jui Harvest group has not forgotten its role as a corporate citizen in providing community service to the people in Taiwan. Over the past years, the group h
- 公司名稱瑞今股份有限公司JUIHARVEST管理此網站
- 統一編號04488284
- 聯絡人瑞今
- 手機
- 電話02-22995609
- 傳真02-22995608
- 服務類別國際快遞運輸、居家百貨零售
- 公司所在地 新北市五股區五股工業區五權七路50號